Podcast time! Check out my sermon on Song of Solomon!
Greetings, all!
So as you may have noticed, my blog posts have been lagging behind schedule a bit. Part of the reason is due to a very busy few weeks I just went through, which included a bit of preaching I had the joy of giving at Jacob's Well. Since JW records and podcasts all their sermons, that means that you wonderful readers can listen to my sermon, which was focused on Song of Solomon. In it, I began by talking about the love Solomon shared with his bride, how they enjoyed each other in marriage, and how they structured their dating lives to arrive at the bliss they shared in marriage. As amazing as it is, it is still only a glimpse of the profound love that God has for us! This sermon has a lot of practical application for romance, as well as a lot of theologizing about the meaning behind romance, marriage, and sex, and why God designed them as He did.
So if you'd like to give the message a listen, click on over here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/jacobs-well-on-campus-podcast/id389042008# It will be the only sermon on the list from Song of Solomon. While you're there, feel free to check out any of the other sermons! Nate Ray and Bob Smith, the pastors of Jacob's Well, are excellent preachers.
(If for some reason my link doesn't work, head on over to www.jacobswelloncampus.com and click on the podcast section at the bottom of the page).
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