Thursday, April 5, 2012

Question for you!

Greetings, all!

In light of the busy-ness of this week, there won't be a full post today.  Instead, I'm going to take the chance to ask you all for your input on what this blog will look like, going forward.

The primary question I'd like to ask is how long you'd like these posts to be.  Do you prefer the posts as they are, being a bit on the longish side, going as long as I need to handle the section of text?  Or would you prefer that I make them a bit shorter, and perhaps take 3-4 posts to discuss the same material I'm currently discussing in 1 post?  I would discuss the same amount of material either way; the question is whether you want it all at once or chopped up into more easily digestible bits.

Let me know what you think!  You can send me a message on Facebook (the preferred method), post in a comment here, tell me face-to-face, or send me a message on Google+.  I want this blog to be helpful to you all, so let me know how to make it as helpful as possible!

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