Friday, November 2, 2012

SoS Conflict -- Reflection

Greetings, all!

Before we move on, I'd like to revisit the conflict area, as I think there are a few additional thing to discuss.

In particular, one reader pointed out that I had been reading the conflict through decidedly male lenses. There are aspects to the conflict from Solomon's side that I hadn't considered, but which are clearly present in the text and need to be dealt with.

In order to deal with it properly, I'm going to take a bit of time to study it further before posting on it.

In the meantime, if anybody else noticed a few things that I might have missed, or noticed an area where my points or conclusions seemed weak, please let me know! I'll include them in the next post so that we can all benefit from a more robust understanding of this whole section of Scripture.

See you Monday!

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